Ten Great Men In The Bible You Didn't Know & Their Age

10. Enoch - 365 years
Enoch, along with Noah, is one of Adam's well known descendants. Enoch was the son of Jared, father of Methuselah and great grandfather to Noah. According to the Bible, Enoch didn't die, rather, he was taken by God to heaven.
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9. Lamech- 777 years
Lamech is the father of Noah, he died at 777years before the Great Flood. Lamech was 182 years when Noah was born.
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8. Mahalalel- 895 years
He is another one of Adam’s descendants who lived hundreds of years as Mahalalel died when he was 895 years old. He is the son of Kenan, who had Mahalalel when he was 70 years old, and the father of Jared.  
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7. Enos- 905 years
Enos or Enosh is Adam’s grandson and the first son of Seth. According to the Bible, Seth was 105 years old when Enos was born. The Bible says that Enos was 90 years old when his first son Kenan was born.
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6. Kenan- 910 years
Kenan is another descendant of Adam as he is the grandson of Seth and the son of Enos. From the Bible, Kenan’s mother was Noam, the wife and sister of Enos.

His wife was Mualeleth, who was also his sister. Like several of the other men on this list, Kenan lived before the Great Flood and died when he was over 900 years old.  
Photo sourced from freebibleimages.org

5. Seth - 912 years
Seth is the third son of Adam and Eve, who was born after his brother Abel’s murder. 
Seth is revered in Jewish and Islamic tradition as being the righteous son of Adam and Eve. He is the fifth oldest man in the Bible and died when he was 912 years old.
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4. Adam - 930 years
Adam is best known as being the first man ever created by God in the Bible and his name is used as the word for man or mankind in the Book of Genesis.
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3. Noah - 950 years
Noah is one of the most well-known Biblical figures as his story is told in the Bible’s Genesis flood narrative. Most people are probably at familiar with the basics of the story of Noah’s Ark, which says that God flooded the Earth to wash away mankind’s misdeeds and rebuilt the world with the animals and Noah and his family aboard the Ark.
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2. Jared - 962 years
Jared is the second oldest man in the Bible and is a sixth-generation descendant of Adam and Eve. His father was Mahalalel and although he had other sons and daughters, only one of them, Enoch, is named in the Bible, which makes Jared the grandfather of Methuselah.
Jared was 162 years old when Enoch was born and he lived to be 962 years old.
Photo sourced from crossexamined.org

1. Methuselah - 969 years
According to the Bible Methuselah is the longest lived man as he died at 969 years. He is mentioned in he Book of Genesis as the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah. His story in the Bible is significant as he is a part of the genealogy that links Adam to Noah.
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